A little over a year ago, deep in the heart of a pandemic, I started this journey to #girlboss life, while still working for the University of Alaska. As a mom of two boys, motherhood propelled me to work with and around my kids’ ambitions, which eventually brought me to UAA. Upon their successful completion I realized I could focus on my own dreams and aspirations. Around that same time, UAA started its own journey to cull their workforce even more, this time with the focus on Administration and those with administrative/financial job duties, in which category I fell. I could see the writing on the wall and began working on my exit plan in earnest. My mantra became “just keep taking another step until you absolutely can’t take another”. That was July 2020.
Today is July 13, 2021. And it's opening day!
So here’s a sample of some highs and lows and lessons learned along the way:
- The highs are so high. Celebrate each win! (Champagne Bubbles, of course!)
- The lows are so low. Feel it. And do not give up no matter how low it feels. (Kirkland Cardboardeux - because last month was a great year)
- Surround yourself with people who celebrate the highs and mourn the lows with you. (Share the bubbles or the dark red)
- I thought I worked hard before this. Nope! Not even close. I remember telling my former UAA supervisor after I was laid off: ‘I haven’t worked this hard in a year!’ (unwinding wine: merlot)
- The work is so satisfying when you realize it is work that is making the dream come alive. (state of satisfaction wine: Sauvignon Blanc)
- The work is sometimes slow, but always moving, and perspective is a key element to the process. (ponder with Pinot Noir)
- Accept the fact that mistakes will be made, and they might be expensive. Learn from them. (Meursault white or red, because sometimes you might need to get away, if only in your mind)
- You can’t do this alone. Join forces. (My force happens to be Nancy, look out! Also, she prefers beer)
- Some things move so fast, and concurrently, it’s hard to keep up. (Get wild with a Syrah, and/or bubbles)
- Sacrifices will have to be made – I haven’t been on my bike for a significant amount of time. And I’ve had to cancel a few bikepacking trips. (Brooding wine: Cabernet Sauvignon)
- I have bruises from pinching myself that this is REAL! (Back to the bubbles!)
- I have never been happier. (Happy wine: full glass of any of the above, except the Cardboardeux)