Today dawned quietly, a rather gloomy day compared to the bright warm sun we've had for weeks. As I went about my day the date eventually dawned on me that it has been one year since the doors of AK Cycle Chic opened up to the public. I immediately got teary - so much has happened this past year, and the year prior to launching this business, and there's still so much to do. They were tears of joy, sadness, and pride, all mixed together. Mostly I'm pretty damn proud of what has been accomplished and so excited for the future. And mostly that has everything to do with this amazing supportive community in which we live. YOU have welcomed this local business into your shopping routines, You have promoted it by word of mouth and social media sites. THANK YOU! I really can't thank you enough. And please keep doing what you're doing to keep this place thriving!
A few of the things I'm especially proud of...
Probably the one thing that brings the most pride and joy to me is when I see you on the trails or at the park or at a concert or in an airplane - anywhere - sporting the logo or something chic you purchased at the shop.
Cheers to You and Year Two!