True confessions: I’m a tiny bit mirror-phobic. I’ve become practically an expert at avoiding my
reflection. Mirrors don’t lie, and that’s the problem. A white lie would be nice, FFS!
But one fateful morning, I caught a glimpse of myself. My stomach to be specific.
OHMYGODISTHATME??? After I recovered from the shock, I wondered, what happened to
me?! Ok, I’m 61 years old, but I’m in decent shape! I bike a lot and work on my core, do
crunches and all that, but biology is working against me. I’m doomed. The jiggle is real!!
I’ve never had a flat stomach. I grew up at the beach, and I never wore bikinis when I was
younger - too self conscious. If only I could turn back time! I’d prance around in a bikini without
hesitation if I knew what was coming later in life! ( And don’t get me started about my neck!)
Everything I eat sticks to my stomach. I’ve got a puffy belly, it’s true. I can’t try on clothes right
after I’ve eaten - I go up a size - but this is normal, apparently - yay! The stomach expands to
hold food, and it’s distributed to the rest of the body in time. My body doesn’t seem to get it,
because my belly doesn’t shrink some days!
Mainstream society has taught us in order to be beautiful and healthy, we need to have flat
stomachs. We’ve all seen unlikely models used to sell bikes or bike clothing, and it’s pretty
ridiculous. They have perfect bodies, perfect hair (no helmet) and a perfect smile. Makes me
roll my eyes.
Miraculous (AKA sketchy) ways to shed belly fat are everywhere! I mute the TV or turn the
page. I’d rather spend my money on something real - like a new bike! But when you’re
constantly exposed to something, no matter how unrealistic, it starts to feel real.
NEWS FLASH!! Women aren’t actually supposed to have flat stomachs. Well, ok then!
Hallelujah and yippee ki-yay! Wait - really???
Yes. And here’s why: Women need padding to protect their reproductive organs. Starting at
adolescence, women store fat cells in the stomach area to prepare for childbearing later on.
And don’t forget the stomach, liver and intestines that are all stuffed in there in that general
area. Vital organs need space and extra padding for protection.
Genetics play a part in all of this, as well. All women are NOT biologically built for a flat
stomach. And when you get right down to it, is a perfect body really what we want? Well, yes,
of course it is, but it’s unrealistic! And variety is the spice of life.
Women with all types of bodies ride bikes, and it’s a beautiful thing!
And yes - I know - we’re supposed to be happy with what we have, celebrating the aging
process and not worrying so much about appearances. It’s what’s inside that matters, right??
Right. Now excuse me while I smash my mirror.
*For more, read this: